Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Reflecting On Our Lives

The years flew by, while time was our teacher
I became mother and you were the preacher
There were days, that we did a lot wrong
being imperfect, our struggle was the "tongue"

Together, we shared joy and sorrow
all what was left is called "tomorrow"
Some days, I feel doing it over again
but those years we'll never regain

For past sorrow we don't have to mourn
to carry our burdens, Jesus was born
We better lift up our heads and go on
flying higher, till our time is gone

It's hard to put my thoughts on paper
what lives in one's soul is like a vapor
It comes up then disappears just as fast
to catch the right words, is quite a task
Please, be so kind not to complain
for I've no words left for the refrain

For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light. Psalms 36:9

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14

Glorify Him

Now sing a song, to praise His Name
'cause we're so mighty glad He came
He took our sins, He carried our share
He set us free and taught us His prayer
Fly as a free bird, let your light shine bright
so man may see God and glorify His Might

O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Psalm 8:9

The Real Challenge

When you're young, the things life bring
seem to be exciting, for one thing
You'll meet new people and go places
you'll run short on time and phrases

For all the things, you see and hear
are so prominent for eye and ear
When you're older, you have a different view
at the fun you had and foolishness you did do

The episodes mankind goes through
suppose to teach us something new;
as time goes by these will pass away
only what is done for Jesus will stay

Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. Proverbs 4:26,27

His Gift Of Life

How wonderful is His Love
and how thankful we can be
He is blessing us from above
with goodness for you and me

Therefore let's sing unto our King
with a new song in our heart
For life eternal He does bring
to us, who don't deserve this part

Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving kindness of the LORD. Psalm 107:43

Poems Copyright Dr.Trudy Veerman, 1996-2014. All rights reserved. 

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