Friday, November 14, 2014



by Dr. Trudy Veerman

His Presence is so beautiful, so encouraging, so refreshing as a cool breeze on a hot day, a song in a dreary hour, a bright light in the darkness, a soothing balm on a wound, as a gentle touch in time of need, Amen.

Praise Jesus, many will find their answer in Him; their needs supplied, their tears dried, their pain stilled, their wounds soothed, their broken heart mended, their hungry soul fed, their blind eyes opened and their captured soul delivered.

How wonderful did the Lord bind us together, how tangible His Love.
Although we may never meet, I'm sure we will greet above.
Together we'll sing His Praises for ever and ever.
Then we'll embrace and departing will be never.

How little do we know, how much do we need to know, and... how much He lets us know of what He wants us to know. How we forget who He is and who we are!
We may forget Him sometimes, but He'll never forget us. He is always one step ahead, one page further,
a breath closer, a touch away, always in sight, within reach.
He hears our cries, sees our tears, feels our hurts,
heals our wounds, lifts us up, answers our prayer
and carries us over hills and through valleys.
Praise You Jesus.

Tiresome we fight the GOOD fight.
Tireless He blesses wherever He can.
Meaningless man fights His Will.
Meaningful He provides for All.
Our wisdom is foolish in His sight.
His Wisdom uses the world's fool,
May we become that kind of a fool,
so we can be "usefool" in His Kingdom
Let the wisdom of the Lord speak,
so the fool will be silenced.

His smile is loving and kind, His touch.. tender and firm.
He'll direct you when the roads have washed out.
He'll give you opportunities to see HIM at work,
Where there is hopelessness, HE IS HOPE.
Where there is sorrow, HE IS COMFORT.
Where there is agony, HE IS RELIEF.
Where there is strife, HE IS PEACE.


* * * * * * *

Have a wonderful day, with Jesus at your side.
Maranatha! Keep looking up! He's coming for His Bride!

Writings & Poems, copyright © Dr. Trudy Veerman, 1996-2014. All rights reserved.

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